pirmdiena, 2009. gada 24. augusts

Something warm

See you all this saturday from 11:00 - 17:00 at local Trade house Kurzeme in Liepāja.
I have lot`s of new earrings and romantical flower hear rubbers, just in time for first of september!
And o mi:) i feel autumn in the air:) time for warm headbands they would look perfect with the nice little wool jacket:)!

sestdiena, 2009. gada 22. augusts

Dear friends

This is my birthday today:) and i found great radio station, i would like to share:):)


I also made a great and tasty apple pie and i would like to share the recipe as well:)
O and i made crust by my self!

Great apple pie:)

And i feel like the girl in the picture:) and that`s me:):) for real!
And the legs you see belongs to the photographer Sintija, she`s a great girl:)
And if you would like to ask something to Sintija then here you are:):): sintx@inbox.lv

Have a nice day all of you!!!

otrdiena, 2009. gada 18. augusts

Hope Sandoval together with the Warm Inventions

Very intimate, charming and secret voice!
This voice can take you in to trans if listen it for long.
Blues, folk, country, underground and mix it all together!
Girl who not only have a voice but is able to play several instruments and she is so pretty and she wrote almost all the Mazzy Star lirics.
Mazzy Star is very special band to me, something happened with me while i was listening they music at first time:)
And now i like to present you a very shy and beautiful person - Hope Sandoval together with the Warm Inventions.
Song - Suzzane!

otrdiena, 2009. gada 11. augusts

Cream bear

Here he is:) my cream bear!
One of the photos from exhibition in Cesis at the cafe` Gourmands.
If you have the time for glass of red french wine you can chat with him more closely:)
He is not alone there, so you will be introduced with the rest of the family:)
See ya!

piektdiena, 2009. gada 7. augusts

Sinead O'connor

Great woman, big personality and real fighter!
True Irish girl!
One of the greatest singer on the planet earth - Sinead O'connor with the song Famine

trešdiena, 2009. gada 5. augusts


Divas jaunas meitenes ar vienotu aizrautību, bet ar divām atsevišķām skiču burtnīciņām padusēs... 
Iet pa vienu ceļu.


Ar Lāčiem un bez tiem.

Ar krāsu tūbiņām un bez tām. 

Soli solī - uz priekšu.
Uz mēŗķi. 
Uz sapni.

No Liepājas uz Cēsīm, uz francūža Filipa Massona kafejnīcu "Gourmands", brauc izstāde 
„Kuš 99% roku darbs"

Mazliet bērnības, mazliet mīlestības, mazliet mājas sajūta pakrūtē un tam visam pāri -
antīgi svaigs kičīgums!

Izstādē piedalās projekta "Kuš 99% roku darbs" autores Aijas Vīdneres darinātie LĀČI, brošas un matu lociņi.
Tam visam pievienojas radošās galerijas "Krāsu Aplis" vadītājas un šī projekta koordinatores Sintijas Šlēgeles fotogrāfijas.
"Kuš 99% roku darbs" - i r j ā r e d z !
Ne vien aiz pieklājības, jo LĀČI būs mērojuši garu ceļu. Un ne vien tādēļ, ka speciāli šim pasākumam ir arī uzcirtušies - ievietojušies gaumīgos rāmīšos - īpaši šai izstādei veidotos ar french cozy cottage style ( franču mājīgās kotedžiņas stila ) "garšu un smaržu" (Lāči taču zina, pie kā brauc ciemos - Masson, mēs jau tuvojamies!
Galvenokārt, tie ir jāredz tāpēc, ka redzēt - satikties ar LĀČIEM būs tāpat kā satikt sevi pašu pirms 5, 10, 20 gadiem.
Katrs Aijas mazais, izfilcētais zvērēns nes kaut ko no mūsu pašu bērnības.
Sākot ar maigajiem mātes pieskārieniem un vien bērnībā saņemtās devas ar mājas sajūtu pakrūtē, līdz pat rotaļīgi mistiskam noskaņojumam, kad vecāku nav mājās. LĀČI būs kā atgādinājums par reiz piedzīvoto un izjusto ar svaiguma pilnu skatu nākotnē - LĀČI ir noņemami no rāmīša un piespraužami kā brošas pie ikdienā nēsājamas kabatiņas.
Un kā tas izskatās dzīvē, to tad varēs aplūkot Sintijas fotogrāfijās, kurās ir dokumentēti Aijas izauklētie LĀČI čāpojot pa Liepājas vidi. 

Izstāde būs skatāma sākot ar 2009.gada 11. augustu 
kafejnīcā "Gourmands", Cēsīs , Izstādes ielā 1, tel.nr. 29490718, e-pasts: gourmands@lejnieki.net 

P.S This is the exhibition for those who is planning to visit Cesis (one of the picturesque town in Latvia) in august .
Bears, sweets, broaches, headbands and many more in photography`s and live at french cafe` Gourmands.
O, and an art festival is going on now, for more information have a look here

sestdiena, 2009. gada 1. augusts

Tracey from band called EBTG (Everithing but the girl)


I started with PJ Harvey and now i would like to continue with another great female vocal from my childhood:)
She was real`y popular in 90`s and i still like her and she also performed together with one of my favorite band Massive Attack.
Dear friends - Tracey from band called EBTG (Everithing but the girl)
with song called Before today
From now on i`ll show you one favorite female vocal each week!
Have fun and take care:)